Tuesday, December 30, 2003

*Ø* Blogmanac | FOR WHAT IT'S WORTH -- Actions to Take to Make a Difference


Dear Veralynne of ACT (A-Changin' Times),

The Republicans are determined to end this year with a bang. In a flurry of last minute behind-the-scenes legislation they have successfully kept Democratic Members out of crucial negotiations. While the Republicans dismantle Medicare, continue funding corporate boondoggles with defense funds, and break down the walls of civil rights and civil liberties, no dissenting voices are allowed to be heard.

This isn’t just politics as usual. What they have done is unprecedented: they are making sure progressive voices go unheard. They are making lawmaking a “Republicans-only” operation.

Does this sound like democracy to you? It sure doesn’t to me.

I hope you will join me, and make 2004 a new year for politics— and a year for renewal of democracy in America, by supporting America Coming Together (ACT).

Getting mad simply isn’t enough. To win back the White House and elect progressive candidates all across the country, we must do a better job of identifying and mobilizing supporters. That’s why some of the leading progressive organizers in America have come together to advance a bold and far-reaching Action Plan to turn out millions of progressive voters.

Together, we will reach out to millions of Americans— I mean really reach out— face-to-face, door-to-door, neighbor-to-neighbor contacts that will give you and your neighbors the opportunity to be heard on the issues that matter to you the most. And that’s what America Coming Together (ACT) is all about: getting people back into the polling places and back into our government.

And when those voters march to the polls, they will defeat George W. Bush and his extremist allies from the school boards to the House and Senate.

Let me be clear, we are in for the fight of our lives, and it won’t be cheap. Our Action Plan will cost $94 million to carry out. We’ve already raised $45 million and, to keep our efforts on track, we must raise $5 million more by December 31st.

I hope that I can count on you to help us meet that goal with a gift of $50, $75, $100 or the most generous gift that you can afford. Please take the first step in getting America back on the right track by supporting America Coming Together.

The rewards of victory will be well worth the time, effort, and money we invest.

The Republican operatives aren’t waiting to start the campaign, and we can’t either. We urgently need your support now to keep our efforts on track, so please help us meet our December 31st goal.


Ellen Malcolm
America Coming Together

Please help us reach our goal by sharing this message with your friends and family.


From Leo:

"Revolution is not something fixed in ideology, nor is it something
fashioned to a particular decade. It is a perpetual process embedded
in the human spirit."
-- Abbie Hoffman


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