"Resist Bush is an umbrella group of activists to help individuals and groups make sure his UK visit is a truly memorable one -- not just for George, but for his host Tony Blair.
Wednesday 19th November - Resist Bush Tea Party
"Mass protest and civil disobedience, 3pm, Buckingham Palace.
"Resist Bush is calling for a day of open mass non-violent civil disobedience for the first day of Bush's visit. This will be a space where all groups and indivuals can come to protest together in large numbers. Please get the word out to as many people as possible.
"Resist Bush is also co-ordinating a mass sit-down protest as part of the Tea Party on the 19th. This will be open to everyone to join. We stress that this action is a call for NON-VIOLENT action i.e. 'action which does not harm or degrade any human being'. Please see the flyer for more details.
"Resist Bush is an initiative of the GROW network ( Grass Roots Opposition to War).
"Other major events have been planned on the 18th, 20th and 21st November. For more information see our calendar of events.
"Our intention is that anyone, regardless of their affiliations, will be able to email us details of protests they are planning. Then we can publish appropriate information on the site ...
"To subscribe to the Resist Bush Yahoo newsgroup email: resistbush-subscribe@yahoogroups.co.uk "
Source and full text
See also this report in the Telegraph, and this "wax off your bush" story at the Mirror.
[Thanks J-9!]
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