Saturday, November 15, 2003

*Ø* Blogmanac November 15, 1777 | The forming of a great constitution

1777 The Articles of Confederation were adopted by the Continental Congress.

Was the USA founded on Christianity?

Many assert that it was,
but it seems not to be so

Someone wrote to me once that the USA is specifically a Christian nation, and I often hear it said that the American 'founding fathers’ intended America to be Christian or theistic. This, I assume, is why at the late date of 1954, after a campaign by the Catholic Knights of Columbus, Senator Homer Ferguson of Michigan sponsored a bill to amend the Pledge of Allegiance (an American text sometimes recited in school) to include the words "under God". On June 8, 1954, Congress adopted this change.

I believe there is ample evidence that it is not the case that America is a 'Christian nation'. In fact, the very first treaty signed by the USA confirms this view in no uncertain terms. Since the current US administration is so populated with fundamentalist Christians whose views are apparently influencing domestic and foreign policy, I thought it would be an idea to assemble some quotes on the subject.

I've placed these quotes, by American founding fathers, here at the Scriptorium


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