Saturday, November 08, 2003

*Ø* Blogmanac | Jessica Lynch: 'I'm No Hero'

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - "Army private Jessica Lynch, the badly injured U.S. prisoner of war who was rescued from a hospital during the Iraq war, said in her first interview that she is not the Rambo-style hero she has been portrayed as by American media and the military.

[It wasn't a war, it was an invasion and massacre, and Iraqi medical staff had already tried to give her back but were shot at - N]

"Lynch, 20, told ABC network reporter Diane Sawyer in an interview to be aired on 'Primetime' next Tuesday, the same day as her authorized biography is published, that she never fired a shot when ambushed.

"'My weapon did jam and I did not shoot, not a round, nothing. I don't look at myself as a hero. My heroes are Lori (Private Lori Piestewa, who died in the ambush of Lynch's convoy), the soldiers that are over there, the soldiers that were in the car beside me, the ones that came and rescued me,' she said.

"Lynch is still recovering from injuries to her spine, and cannot walk without crutches. She has no feeling in her left foot and has other medical problems.

"Lynch, who became a symbol of U.S. heroism during the early stages of the war on Iraq, insisted, 'I am just a survivor.'

"In an advance, partial copy of the ABC interview, Lynch said she was hurt that other people had 'made up stories' about her fiercely fighting her Iraqi captors.

"'I'm not about to take credit for something that I didn't do ... It hurt in a way that people would make up stories that they had no truth about. Only I would have been able to know that because the other four people on my vehicle aren't here to tell that story.'"

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