Thursday, November 06, 2003

*Ø* Blogmanac | Are we ready for a global political party?

The case for a global political party
By William Bowles

"Are you fed up with the existing political status quo? Can’t tell the difference between one party and another? Do you want to find one that more closely reflects your philosophy or are you even thinking about starting up your own political party? Or perhaps it'll be the 'local' section of a global one?

"I’ve been involved with the left for pretty well my entire life and, like many others of my ilk, I’ve been cut adrift from my socialist roots over the past decade or so. Okay, I can and have, gotten involved in specific ‘causes’, like liberation movements and my work with information technology and social change over the past twenty years. But since returning to the UK after such a long absence and looking at the complete lack of organised political activism outside the traditional left parties (or what remains of them), I’ve long been considering the possibility of a new progressive formation and the form it would take.

"The question is however, are we doomed to duplicate the mistakes of the past? Does the new political and economic reality demand a new kind of political party of the left, and if so, what form will it or should it, take?"



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