Wednesday, November 05, 2003

*Ø* Blogmanac | Randy ram gets the secret world overexcited

The Times, 4 November

"Staff at the top secret GCHQ monitoring base were baffled. They had nothing like it before. Was the high frequency transmission a covert signal from a spy? Or something more sinister? Now the origin of the signal which puzzled British Intelligence can be revealed: an over-excited ram was rubbing himself against a radio mast. The intelligence community’s finest moment has been revealed in the Daily Observer, a spoof newspaper for staff at GCHQ in Cheltenham, which employs 4,500 people ...

"A GCHQ spokesman, Bob McNally, said: 'It was part of the ritual that the ram went through after it had made a conquest. I believe the ram was notching up a mark on the pylon, so to speak.'

"The tabloid paper is a rare glimpse of humour in the normally po-faced world of secret intelligence. GCHQ monitors communciations from around the world, from e-mails to mobile telephone calls [isn't that nice??? - N] but this was their first message from a randy ram."

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