Wednesday, October 15, 2003

*Ø* Blogmanac | American Iron Curtain?

From Bill:

Behind the Iron Curtain

Bill Douglas writes: "A man in some country was recently taken, handcuffed, down into a subterranean interrogation room in the bowels of a police station and asked by a police investigator, 'when I look into your writings will I find anything subversive?' This sounds like something one might have heard coming out of the former Soviet Union. However, it wasn't. The country was America, the man was me, and the interrogation room was in the basement of the massive and imposing Kansas City Jail on 12th street (Tuesday, Sept 16th, 2003). (I'm a writer who's contributed to many publications worldwide, including the Kansas City Star, and the Kansas City Business Journal). This event emblazoned into my mind that something has drastically changed in my America . . . our America. I had earlier been arrested for attempting to attend a protest of Laura Bush's visit in Kansas City."



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