Sunday, September 14, 2003

*Ø* Blogmanac | Michael Moore joins Draft Wesley Clark movement

Michael Moore writes:

A Citizen's Appeal to a General in a Time of War (at Home)

September 12, 2003

"Dear General Wesley Clark,

"I've been meaning to write to you for some time. Two days after the Oscars, when I felt very alone and somewhat frightened by the level of hatred toward me for daring to suggest that we were being led into war for "fictitious reasons," one person stuck his neck out and came to my defense on national television.

"And that person was you.

"Aaron Brown had just finished interviewing me by satellite on CNN, and I had made a crack about me being 'the only non-general allowed on CNN all week.' He ended the interview and then turned to you, as you were sitting at the desk with him. He asked you what you thought of this crazy guy, Michael Moore. And, although we were still in Week One of the war, you boldly said that my dissent was necessary and welcome, and you pointed out that I was against Bush and his 'policies,' not the kids in the service. I sat in Flint with the earpiece still in my ear and I was floored – a GENERAL standing up for me and, in effect, for all the millions who were opposed to the war but had been bullied into silence ..."


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