Saturday, September 13, 2003

*Ø* Blogmanac September 13 | a few ideas for celebrating today

Days of Gahambar Paitishahem, for Paitishahem the Corn-giver, Zoroastrian (Sep 12-16)
The feast of the harvest ingathering.

“Ghamabar Paitishem celebrates the creation of the earth and the harvesting of the summer crops.” Source

Day of Driving the Nail, Ancient Rome
“In ancient Rome a nail was driven into the wall of the temple of Jupiter every 13 September. This was originally done to tally the year, but subsequently it became a religious ceremony for warding off calamities and plagues from the city. Originally the nail was driven by the praetor maximus, subsequently by one of the consuls, and lastly by the dictator (see Livy, VII, iii).”
Evans, Ivor H, Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, Cassell, London, 1988

Banquet of Venus, Vintage Festival
”The Romans honored Venus, who began her life as an Etruscan garden goddess, before she merged with the Greek Aphrodite and became the Goddess of Love.” Source: School of the Seasons

“VENUS. (Montfaucon, Antiq. Suppl. p. 413) ‘On great Festivals, when they exhibited the Lectisternia, and used to place God and Goddess on one Couch or Bed, they always put Mars and Venus together.’” Source

Runic half-month of Ken commences
Ken represents a flaming torch within the royal hall, so it’s the time of the creative fire. The positive aspects of sexuality within goddess Freyja and god Frey come into play now.
Pennick, Nigel, The Pagan Book of Days, Destiny Books, Rochester, Vermont, USA, 1992

Vintage Feast, Andalusia, Spain
Featuring parades, bullfights, horse races, drinking and dancing until dawn.


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