Tuesday, July 15, 2003

*Ø* Blogmanac | Viva la France!

BUSHOUT (Blog en français)

Pour une coalition mondiale pour que Bush ne soit pas réélu en 2004

I guess it was bound to happen. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. And I wasn't prepared for the double-take I did when I saw this blog. My eyes bugged out and my jaw hit the floor--just like in the cartoons! It's nice to know we have a coalition working along with us made up of people around the world, but I can't help it . . . it's also pretty darned FUNNY!!!

No. It's not a joke. BUSHOUT, The Blog, is absolutely serious and it has been created especially to build a coalition of French-speaking people to work actively to make sure that W is not re-(s)elected in 2004! I don't know if its creators are from France, from Quebec, another French-speaking country or the U.S., but I hope wherever they are they are able to appeal to all French-speaking voters in America. Bon chance!!

For any of our readers who are or who know French-speaking people, by all means make this an action and bring it to the attention of as many people as possible.



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