Saturday, June 14, 2003

*Ø* Blogmanac | Nude comic scares shark to death?

"Was shark killed by nude comic?" asks the Daily Mail. There is no doubt about it in the minds of the staff of the Brighton Sea Life Centre, who blame the sudden death of their 12-year-old smooth hound shark on Guy Venables.

Mr. Venables apparently removed his clothes and jumped into the tank in an effort to promote his show at a local nightclub. Two days later, the shark suffered an unexpected haemorrhage. An autopsy is being carried out to try to ascertain whether the shock of encountering Mr. Venables unclothed was the cause.

"I do feel remorse about the whole thing," Mr Venables, who has visited the aquarium again to apologise to staff, told the Mail. "It is sad that something has died, and we will have to wait and see what happens next."

"In some way I am quite flattered in that I have managed to scare a shark to death," he added.

The Telegraph rather spoils things by pointing out that the creature, which belonged to a sub-species that would never have passed an audition for Jaws, was only three feet long.



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