Monday, June 16, 2003

*Ø* Blogmanac | June 16 | Bloomsday
Bloomsday, celebrated annually on June 16: all of the main narrative events in James Joyce's Ulysses, took place on this day in 1904. Bloomsday is celebrated all over the world wherever people read and love Joyce.

In 1904, disgusted with the contemporary literary scene of Ireland, Joyce left Dublin and lived in Trieste, Italy. On his final visit to Dublin in 1912 his publisher, George Roberts destroyed the entire first edition of Joyce’s book of short stories, Dubliners, and the next day Joyce left the country for ever, residing in Zurich, where he wrote Ulysses. Later he lived in Paris, where he spent 17 years writing Finnegan’s Wake.

The first celebration of this secular holiday took place in 1954 and a major festival is planned for 2004 on the centenary of the first Bloomsday.


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