Thursday, May 15, 2003

c. 570 CE Mohammed (born Halabi), son of Abdallah, of the family of Hashini, and of Amina, of the family of Zuhra, both of the powerful tribe of Koreish (but of a lesser branch). Various dates are given as his possible date of birth, including April 20. He died on June 8, 632.

His birthday festival (celebrated at certain different times by different strands of Islam) is called Maulid an-Nabi.

Celebrating the Birth of Mohammed in the Balkans

Mawlid an-Nabi (s), Its Proofs, Its Practice, Its History

Mohammed: miracle man
The life of the prophet Mohammed is arguably not as replete with miracles as those of Jesus and his saints, and the Buddha, but many believe that at his birth his mother radiated light seen in distant Syria and that the prophet fed a thousand men with one sheep. Traditionally, too, it has been believed that he made predictions that came true; he read the mind of Jewish enemies about to poison him; the hand of Abu Jahl withered after throwing stones at him, and Mohammed was even saluted by a stone.

Once, after he stopped leaning on a post, it wept and nearly broke in two. Or, so it is said.

Modern Miracles of Islam
Does this tomato carry a message from God?
“According to a reporter from the Express newspaper, UK, they were calling it the Miracle Tomato of Huddersfield. For when a schoolgirl sliced it in half she found written inside what thousands believe to be a message from God. Moslem Shasta Aslam 14, was astounded to see the words, spelled out in Arabic, "There is only one God" and "Mohammed is the messenger" in the veins of the each segment.” Source

Allah's name in the clouds
More miracles of Islam

1856 L(yman) Frank Baum, American racist, socialist, morphine addict, author of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

"An interesting Urban Legend that is true is the fact that when the wardrobe dedpartment of MGM began to buy costumes for the movie Wizard of Oz they bought a huge amount of second hand clothes from many rummage sales around the Hollywood area. When the part of the wizard was cast many overcoats were chosen for him to wear, one was picked and on the first day of shooting, the actor noticed the lining of the coat had a label saying, 'Property of L Frank Baum'. [Check out the online coincidences archive; I'm going to add some of mine there if I can. If you have some cool coincidences of your own, or historical ones I can use in the Almanac, feel free to leave them below in Comments.]

"Baum was a socialist and Oz is a barely disguised socialist utopia, as indicated in this quotation from The Emerald City of Oz:

"There were no poor people in the land of Oz, because there was no such thing as money, and all property of every sort belonged to the Ruler. Each person was given freely by his neighbours whatever he required for his use, which is as much as anyone may reasonably desire. Every one worked half the time and played half the time, and the people enjoyed the work as much as they did the play, because it is good to be occupied and to have something to do. There were no cruel overseers set to watch them, and no one to rebuke them or to find fault with them. So each one was proud to do all he could for his friends and neighbors, and was glad when they would accept the things he produced." Source: Wikipedia


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