Tuesday, May 27, 2003

*Ø* Blogmanac | US plans death camp
Until now, the worst thing I could say about Guantanamo was that Americans are holding prisoners, including Australians, without charge, first in wire cages exposed to the elements and now in 6' by 8' concrete cells with electric lights on 24/7, two 20-minute exercise breaks per week, no access to lawyers, Red Cross or family, and forbidden to speak to lawyers. Excuse me, I forgot they had Bush over there, who turned Texas into the killingest state outside China and Nigeria. (I heard on ABC radio today an interview with a former death row pastor from Texas who said that at first he was pro-death penalty, but after seeing more than 90 people killed, he now believes it is state-sanctioned homicide. Indeed, the cause of death is officially given as homicide, he said. He also said that he knows for a fact, by the confessions of dying men, some of whom gave him evidence about themselves and other prisoners that he could not divulge, that between 12 and 15 of those mostly black and Hispanic men were innocent.)

Now, the Brisbane (Australia) Courier-Mail reveals plans by the US to build execution chambers ("death houses", as they are called in Texas) at the Guantanamo Bay concentration camp. "The plans were revealed by Major-General Geoffrey Miller, who is in charge of 680 suspects from 43 countries, including two Australians," says the report.

Another paper, The Mail on Sunday, " reported the move is seen as logical by the US, which has been attacked worldwide for breaching the Geneva Convention on prisoners of war."

Read the story

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Unrelated to Guantanamo, but interesting nonetheless, especially to students of memetics, is Microdoc News: Dynamics of a Blogosphere Story:
"Microdoc News has been studying the way a story enters the blogosphere, develops, and draws to a conclusion. We have traced such stories as 'Where is Raed?', 'Microsoft iLoo', 'war blogging', and 'Second SuperPower', which actually divided into two additional stories 'Googlewash' and 'Googlewashed'. Overall we have traced 45 stories that have developed in the blogosphere over the last three months. Each blogosphere story has a definite beginning, develops along quite predictable lines and comes to a predictable end."


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