Saturday, May 24, 2003

*Ø* Blogmanac | Repub senator breaks ranks with White House over Iraq
The most senior Republican authority on foreign relations in US Congress has warned Shrub that the USA is on the brink of catastrophe in Iraq. Not that he is capable of listening to anyone except a tiny coterie of far-right, Christian-Zionist apocalypticists who captured the Administration long ago. Bush is in thrall to these ideologues and has not the intellect to hear the worldwide voices of anger, nor see the writing on the wall. Iraq is in a mess, and America is more exposed to terrorism than ever it was, thanks to this idiot and his keepers.

"I am concerned that the administration's initial stabilization and reconstruction efforts have been inadequate," said Senator Richard G Lugar, an Indiana Republican who heads the committee. "The planning for peace was much less developed than the planning for war."
Click for NY Times story


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