Monday, May 12, 2003

Birthstone for May: Emerald, signifying success in love; hope and immortality.

May is witching time
According to a custom of olde England, May is the witching time. In an English superstition that found its way via immigrants to America, if a broody hen is set during May, all her chicks will be sure to die.

Read more May folklore at Wilson's Almanac's May page

May 12 Twilight Time
’Tis said that from the twelfth of May
to the twelfth of July all is day.
From the twelfth day of May
To the twelfth of July
Adieu to starlight
For all is twilight.

Traditional English saying

There was an Old Man with a beard,
Who said, 'It is just as I feared!
Two Owls and a Hen,
Four Larks and a Wren,
Have all built their nests in my beard!'

Edward Lear, English nonsense verse writer, born on May 11, 1812

Were there none who were discontented with what they have, the world would never reach anything better.
Florence Nightingale, English nurse, born on May 12, 1820

The world is put back by the death of every one who has to sacrifice the development of his or her peculiar gifts to conventionality.
Florence Nightingale

Born May 12, 1820 Florence Nightingale, English nurse during the Crimean War. She was named after the city in Italy in which she was born to English parents. Until then, Florence was an uncommon name, and for males only. Her fame and the respect with which she was esteemed by the British popularised her name as one for girls. Florence Nightingale died 1910.

To Make an Amblongus Pie
by Edward Lear

Take 4 pounds (say 4 1/2 pounds) of fresh Amblongusses, and put them in a small pipkin.
Cover them with water and boil them for 8 hours incessantly, after which add 2 pints of new milk, and proceed to boil for 4 hours more.
When you have ascertained that the Amblongusses are quite soft, take them out and place them in a wide pan, taking care to shake them well previously.
Grate some nutmeg over the surface, and cover them carefully with powdered gingerbread, curry-powder, and a sufficient quantity of Cayenne pepper.
Remove the pan into the next room, and place it on the floor. Bring it back again, and let it simmer for three-quarters of an hour. Shake the pan violently till all the Amblongusses have become a pale purple colour.
Then, having prepared a paste, insert the whole carefully, adding at the same time a small pigeon, 2 slices of beef, 4 cauliflowers, and any number of oysters.
Watch patiently till the crust begins to rise, and add a pinch of salt from time to time.
Serve up in a clean dish, and throw the whole out of the window as fast as possible.

Eisheilige (ice saints), southern Germany, May 11-15
The presence of these “ Strong Lords” bring unseasonably cold and/or wet weather. These are the saints Mamertius, Pancratius (Pancras), Servatius, Bonifatius, and Cold Sophie. These Christian names are versions of the Swabian presiding spirits of these days. Today’s ice saint is St Pancras.

Tomorrow: The visions at Fatima


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