Wilson's Almanac ezine passes 3,500 members
Wilson's Almanac illustrated daily ezine -- separate from this blog and its free subscriptions -- now has 3,500 members.
The free daily ezine was created 8 years ago, on the first day of the millennium, January 1, 2001, and 2,685 daily newsletters have gone free around the world each day. I invite you to read what other readers worldwide say about it.
If you would like to get your free subscription, visit http://groups.yahoo.com/group/WilsonsAlmanac/ or send a blank email to WilsonsAlmanac-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
Want to know more? Go to my homepage, www.wilsonsalmanac.com and surf around before deciding whether to take a free subscription to the e-newsletter.
Categories: almanac, ezine
January 1, 2001
!!gee time flies
well done Pip, nother 8 years to you and happy 09 :)
Thanxalot! I have no intention of stopping the ezine. Onward and upward.
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