Today is the last day to pick and eat blackberries because the Devil poisons them (by urinating and/or spitting on them) on September 26, Old Holy Rood Day (rood = cross), especially in Scotland.
However, in most parts of England the equivalent day was Michaelmas (now September 29) ...
Wilson's Blogmanac, founded on April 26, 2003. Dedicated to the 353 victims of Australia's shame, the SIEVX disaster,
and casualties of poverty and authority worldwide. Public Domain (an explanation is at Wikipedia), Pip Wilson, 2003-2011. But kindly email if you republish. I'm currently launching and promoting the free e-book, 'Microminibliss', for
those interested in my new links directory, Bellingen (Australia), and my Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). (Use Search for that.) So, kindly Google the word 'Microminibliss', and some links will come up, not 25 million in the usual Google manner.
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