Monday, October 02, 2006

Will the real bin Laden please stand up?

Highly recommended
Had a conversation last week with friends, on the subject of 9/11. I blithely said that I thought that Osama bin Laden had admitted certain acts of terrorism in his past, but had always denied having had anything to do with the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

My friends said that they had seen a videotape on TV, in which bin Laden admitted his role in the 9/11 crimes. As I don't have a TV, this was news to me -- except that I had read that a videotape exists starring an imposter, so called "Fatty bin Laden", but I didn't know it had shown on TV, and I still don't know if this is the same as the 'confession' tape of which my learned friends speak.

So, I wanted to find out for myself whether my 5-year-old assumption of bin Laden's denial was a fantasy and if I was totally wrong on this. I still want to find out, because my Internet searches do not in any way clear up this matter. I'm looking for one, comprehensive article, book or documentary.

However, what I have found this morning is a number of articles and videos that I think anyone interested in 9/11 would find fascinating, and I list them here. If you know of more, please put them in Comments, thank you.

June 6, 2006 - FBI says, 'No hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11'
The fake bin Laden videotape
The Fake 2004 bin Laden Video Tape
Latest Bin Laden Tape: Another of the NeoCons' "Greatest Hits"
About the Osama Bin Laden Video

I would love to see someone do one big article that combines all these alleged phony tapes, investigating from all sides. Work with me on this one, will you? If you know any better sources, please post in Comments.

Wag the Osama (shows "Fatty bin Laden" imposter quite clearly)
9/11 Truth: Al Qaeda Doesn't Exist (watch before the following video)
9/11 Truth: The War on Terror is a Fraud

"Fake bin Laden tapes, 'verified' by the CIA, are nothing new. Every supposed bin Laden statement since 2001 has been blatantly bogus. The last we heard from the real bin Laden came in his post-9/11 statements to Pakistani journalists:

"I stress that I have not carried out this act, which appears to have been carried out by individuals with their own motivation. ... I have already said that I am not involved in the 11 September attacks in the United States. ... I had no knowledge of these attacks."
Source: Bin Laden tapes are phony

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