Sunday, August 27, 2006

Turn it up, Sol

On the steam wireless I heard Yank rich guy Sol Trujillo explaining how he was going to rescue Telstra, Australia's major telecommunications company, from the mess that it's got into since he became its CEO.

This corporate suit from Cheyenne, Wyoming believes that a thing called 'Census' will help pull Telstra out of its hole. At least, that's how I heard it. But no, it's Sensis, which in the mind of Sol will change the fortunes of his huge corporation. Sol actually believes that people will use the Sensis search engine rather than Google. Also, the Edsel will be Ford's biggest seller and quadrophonic is the coming thing in music. It'll never fly, Orville. The odd thing is, obviously a significant number of shareholders have bought this googless fantasy.

And, apart from having a name that's a confusing homophone, there is already a just to confound things further. Way to go, Sol!

By the way, Mr Trujillo only got US$72 million when he left his last job in the States (source). Where do these guys get off?

(Pictured: Mr Trujillo explains to his staff the meaning of 'three inches'.)

Trujillo's role questioned as Telstra shares dip



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