Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Ooity: try this search engine

As we all know, Google is Great, but Google only gives you what Google has to give. Another problem is that the algorithms it uses are hunting for websites that have lots of other sites linking to them -- it was this peer ranking system that made Google better than the rest.

But what if there's a site that is really full of information you're looking for, but because not many people know about it (and how can they if they can't find it on search engines?), and thus haven't linked to it as a recommendation? Then Google ranks it low. Such a site, for example, is the Louisa Lawson and Henry Lawson Chronology. It has shitloads more info on Louisa Lawson and Henry Lawson than any other site, but Google can hardly find it with just the 'Henry Lawson' and 'Louisa Lawson' keywords. Until lots of people link to it, you can only find it if you add the keyword 'chronology'.

I was with a mate today, Paul Woods, and he showed me the search engine site he has made, and demonstrated to my satisfaction that it's better than Google. It's called Ooity! and I recommend it. The trick of this great search engine is that it takes the top 10% of Google, Yahoo!, MSN and other search engines and thus you get the benefit of the different algorithms used by the competing engines. Anyway, I'm no expert but I like it and think it's worth bookmarking.

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