Sunday, October 02, 2005

Care2 not as global as it claims

Care2, which claims 5,308,976 members and proclaims itself "The global network for organizations and people who Care2 make a difference!" is a wonderful online organisation and I support it 100%.

In fact, I have a whole page of the Scriptorium dedicated to Care2 action alerts -- I call it What Can One Person Do?

Care2's activism is important and its issues of focus are extremely important. I also acknowledge the importance of activism in the USA, much of which affects us all.

Having said that, I dispute Care2's claim of globality. It seems to have a blind spot as big as a barn about the world as a whole, and the fact that there are about 190 countries not in North America. While the world reels under rampant globalization, most of it emanating from the USA even though its population is just 4.6% of the world's, perhaps Care2 would care2 examine its own part in this. Or else label itself as American and be frank about it to the citizens of the Internet who it wants to recruit.

Does the Care2 management have any idea how their website looks to people outside North America? Sadly, I doubt they have a clue. I hope their members will take them to task over this. Care2 might even pick up more members -- particularly from those other 190 or so nations -- by having a genuine, clearly global perspective. After all, we're all in this mess together.

These are the first 22 action alerts currently feeding out from Care2. Spot the alerts that don't have a North American focus:

Stop Canada's Cruel and Senseless Seal Hunt!
Tell US Retailers to Leave Ramin in the Forest
Tell Congress to Keep Sewage Out of Our Drinking Water!
Don't Let Frist Eliminate the Filibuster! - update

Tell US Retailers to Leave Ramin in the Forest
Melting glaciers, rising seas: Tell Congress to act now
250,000 Seals Dead in Just 10 Days of Hunting
Pennsylvanians - Pledge to Vote this May 17th - success

Victory for Farmworkers! Taco Bell Agrees to Increase Wages for Tomato Pickers
Reduce Toxic Waste: Tell the FCC You Want to Keep Your Cell Phone
Help Stop Big Tobacco's Sweetheart Deal!

Help Make Trade Fair for Central America! (story on CAFTA)
Opposition to CAFTA Growing in US and Central America
Justice Department Proposes Remedies in Tobacco Lawsuit: Reactions
Hey Cell Phone Companies - Can You Hear Us Now?

Core American Principles Sacrificed in Largely Unnoticed Law
Stop Bolton Now! Oppose John Bolton's Nomination to UN
Oppose the Federal Marriage Amendment Senate
Begins Debating Bolton's Nomination

Ask President Bush to Make Poverty History – Sign the ONE Declaration
Urgent: Stop the Patriot Act Expansion

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its very possible that the content varies upon the country of origin of the user as the users country of origin is included in their IP address. Lots of sites do that if only to vary the ads their users see.

2:38 PM  

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