Friday, September 02, 2005

New Orleans hunky-dory, says Bloomberg columnist

"The oil and gas business will get up and running again. Property owners will return to their property and repair damage. Federal and state emergency money is already flowing to the area battered by Hurricane Katrina this week. The long-term prospects are bright, because Americans in general and bond investors in particular are by nature confident."
Joe Mysak,

In other words, forget reality, forget climate change, forget urban decay and the fact that New Orleans is a city that should never have been built there in the first place, and call it a natural disaster that capitalism will overcome.

Anatomy of an unnatural disaster
Man-Made MistakesIncrease DevastationOf 'Natural' Disasters

"As one 19th-century traveler put it, according to Ari Kelman, an environmental historian at the University of California, Davis, 'New Orleans is surprising evidence of what men will endure, when cheered by the hopes of an ever-flowing tide of dollars and cents.'"
After Centuries of 'Controlling' Land, Gulf Residents Learn Who's Boss

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Blogger Unknown said...

How the HELL did this man get a a NEWS AGENCY of all things!!!
His ignorance is summed up by the last line:
"We'll know more when the water subsides."
Here's a clue, Joe. It's built BELOW SEA LEVEL! Good grief...

Anyway, doesn't "Joe Mysak" sound like one of those made up names like "Jack Mioff?". Perhaps he should change his first name to Phil...

9:21 PM  
Blogger Pip Wilson said...

LMFAO! You can comment here any time you like, mate.

9:58 PM  

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