Friday, September 30, 2005

I can't believe it's not Jesus

Religious Joke 1
The Vatican has announced a new low calorie communion host. It's called "I can't believe it's not Jesus".

Religious Joke 2
I was walking along when I saw a man standing on a bridge getting ready to jump. I tried to find a reason to dissuade him, and asked:
Are you religious? Yes, he replied. Great, so am I
Christian or Buddhist? Christian, he said.
Episcopalian or Baptist? Baptist, he responded.
Baptist Church of God, or Baptist Church of The Lord? Baptist Church of God.
Are you Original Baptist Church of God or Reformed Baptist Church of God? Reformed Baptist Church of God.
Are you Reformed Baptist Church of God Reformation 1879 or Reformed Baptist Church of God Reformation 1915? Reformed Baptist Church of God Reformation 1915, was the answer.

Die heretic scum, I said. And pushed him off.


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