Sunday, June 05, 2005

Blogarama went down the gurgler

"What a lot of trouble and strife!

"On the 2nd May 2005 the hard disk on our server decided to give up. Our dedicated server is supplied and hosted by a rather large company and considering that we moved to the new servers just a handful of months ago, we were quite surprised that the standard of hardware they used was below par (obviously). Although in hindsight there is no discounting the fickle nature of hardware.

"We didn't have a remote backup system in place (our fault) and our only backups where on the very hard disk (again our fault) that died. This resulted in a total loss of all data, which is why Blogarama is so desolate at this point in time.

"What we did have was a half finished version of a new Blogarama sitting around. So, the past week was spent feverishly putting together a working Blogarama. And here it is. This also explain why it looks so different to the previous incarnation.

"The events of the past week as taught us a lesson that we hope we can share with you ... KEEP LOCAL BACKUPS. Though if you are anything like us, you won't heed this bit of wisdom, until it's too late.

"All of our previous users, we would be grateful if you would re-submit your site for inclusion and we hope that Blogarama will get back on it's feet soon enough and everyone can once again enjoy the free service provided by The Blog Directory."
Source: What happened to Blogarama?


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