Friday, June 24, 2005

Ads and links: please click for the Almanac

In the left-hand sidebar of this page, about halfway down (under 'Cost of the War in Iraq'), I have placed some CrispAds. The company that manages them claims to pay 25 cents per genuine click (no point in clicking more than once, which is not only unethical but ineffectual).

This is a lot more than the fraction of a cent paid by Google Adsense, which is on most of the pages in the Scriptorium and Book of Days and brings revenue for this project of only about $100 a year.

I invite you to check out the advertisers as often as you visit, just not with repeated clicks. I'm keen to see if CrispAds lives up to its promise.

There are other text ads and banner ads around the whole Almanac project. Every time they get your click, it helps the Almanac project either by a few cents or by our ranking in directories and so on. It's also advantageous whenever a link to a website in the sidebar is clicked, as it alerts the webmaster to our presence. Besides, we think there are some fascinating sites there, and you'll enjoy surfing them. Thanxalot.


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