Sunday, May 08, 2005

Just for the record: No God, please

I think I get much more than my fair share of religious emails sent to me. Just for the record, and I hope people with religious convictions will note, although Wilson's Almanac is replete with information on gods, goddesses, mythical beings, Santa Claus, the Loch Ness Monster, UFOs and other imaginary friends, I do not believe in them. I'm interested in things that interest me, that's all, and I write about them. I'm as close to being an atheist as it is possible for an agnostic to be without taking a leap of faith and believing in something for which I have no evidence. Would that this was a common practice.

I'm particularly allergic to emails with stuff about 'God'. I reply to every personally addressed letter received (except offensive ones) but it's often hard to reply without offending. Thanks people.


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