Friday, May 13, 2005

Australia must investigate Dep't Immigration

The Blogmanac wishes it didn't have to keep bringing these things to our readers, but it's necessary. First it was the SIEVX, the Tampa, then Children Overboard, Cornelia Rau and more scandals after scandal. Former head of the department of Immigration, John Menadue, has joined the chorus of calls for an enquiry into the Department of Immigration, citing a culture of racism, and poor leadership from both government and department management. Australia must finally get a public discussion and investigation via a Royal Commission.

I did not know I was being deported: Solon

"Vivian Solon, the Australian woman wrongly deported to the Philippines, says she was unaware she was being deported.

"Ms Solon was located on Wednesday after a priest in the Philippines recognised her in a report from ABC TV's Lateline that was broadcast into Asia.

"She had been missing since her deportation four years ago, which occurred after she underwent surgery for spinal injuries in New South Wales.

"Ms Solon says she was told by Australian officials that she would be ineligible for medical assistance unless she returned to the Philippines."
Source: ABC News

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Vivian Salon, the Australian woman wrongly deported to the Philippines, has told the ABC she did not realise until recently she had been deported, saying Australian officials told her that in order to have medical treatment she had to return to the Philippines.
[RealMedia 28k+] [WinMedia 28k+] [MP3]
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[RealMedia 28k+] [WinMedia 28k+] [MP3]
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