Sunday, April 24, 2005

Pope's public relations

The last pope was a master of public relations, which is to say, his PR firm was. The new pope has done exactly what I would have got him to do if, when I was a PR manager, he had been my client: he's flattered the media within days of his election:

Pope Benedict Seeks `Fruitful' Rapport With Media
"April 23 -- Pope Benedict XVI, in his first address to members of the press, said he would seek to maintain a close working relationship with them, and expressed gratitude for their coverage of events leading to his election.

"The pope's 15-minute 'audience' with journalists, held inside a crowded 6,500-seat auditorium, was interrupted by cheers and claps usually reserved for athletes and rock stars."
Source: Bloomberg

Benedict XVI launches media offensive
Pope Podcasts Show Importance of Medium (Source: Strategic Public Relations)

Who is PR for the pope?
Do you know which firm manages Vatican PR? I've been searching, and I can't find it anywhere. Thanks if you can advise me.


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