Monday, February 14, 2005

Google Maps? Try instead

Google has launched Google Maps in Beta stage. It's a valiant effort, but not the best free map site around. Perhaps it will improve in the next version.

MultiMap, to my mind, is a much better service. For starters, Google Maps only has one country out of 191 (guess which), and nothing on the home page that tells you that. Apart from being incredibly Americocentric, it's a time-waster as the Rest of Us try to get up some little places like Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia and so on, and they just won't come. It would be OK if they just told the readers that they only have one country so far.

MultiMap immediately loaded Australia plus a separate map of the other countries when I opened the homepage, presumably reading my IP addy and concluding where I came from.

From there I can quickly go to any part of the world. Being as fixated on my own location as the Googlers are, I tried my own vicinity and within three or four clicks I was able to zoom in on Sandy Beach, right down to my own street. You can also search the world by town name or postcode, and the gifs are saveable, which is a great feature. And no ads. Cool. Top marks to MultiMap.


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