Wednesday, January 12, 2005

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Gitmo Aussie release: torture, 3 years no charge

US to release Mamdouh Habib

"After being held for nearly three years [actually, more than 3 years, 3 months - PW] without charge in the United States prison camp at Guantanamo Bay, Australian terrorist suspect, Mamdouh Habib, is about to walk free.

"The announcement by the Federal Government last night stunned lawyers for the two Australians held at the US detention facility in Cuba ...

"Mr Habib's release will leave David Hicks as the only Australian still detained at Guantanamo Bay, where he's facing a military trial ...

"But the release of Mamdouh Habib's given new hope to David Hicks's lawyer, Stephen Kenny.

"STEPHEN KENNY: That's fantastic news, unbelievable!

"IAN TOWNSEND: Mr Kenny says David Hicks should also be released immediately.

"STEPHEN KENNY: I think it's now untenable that David Hicks should continue to be detained in Guantanamo Bay.

"The Australian Government has consistently said he's committed no offence known to Australian law and no doubt that includes international war crimes that the Americans are purporting to try him under.

"And given that the British are likely to all be sent home without charge, I think it is now just untenable that he should continue to be detained in Guantanamo Bay."

Now bring David Hicks home

Free at last! US shamed by torture tactics
"Mr Habib has been released not as a result of the Howard Government's intervention but because his imprisonment and torture have become an embarrassment to the US Administration. [..] The Free Hicks and Habib Campaign will continue until David Hicks is released and repatriated, and Guantanamo Bay is closed and all prisoners released."
Source: Indymedia


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