Thursday, November 04, 2004

Psychopathia sexualis: American politics

A media report today said that Americans voted on morality first, economy second, terrorism third and Iraq fourth.

I might be a bit dim, but if morality was the big issue, why did they vote in a bunch of rich, greedy cunts who just killed 100,000 men, women and children in a country that did nothing to America? Add to that the Afghan death toll of many thousands.

Someday I hope to understand the morality issue. If, as it seems, it's about who you fuck and not who you massacre, then I fear that I never will.

If the economy was the issue, why did they vote for the bastards who have spent (so far) $143 billion of taxpayers' money on killing tens of thousands of people (how long before a million) for no reason? The same bastards that preside over the most derided health care and welfare system in the Western world? And one of the highest levels of disparity between rich and poor of all OECD countries? And, of the rich countries, the 18th ranking per capita in terms of foreign aid? Americans don't seem to want a society, they want an economy. And that's what economists deliver: social ills on grand scale. Remember, every sale of a casket, and every clean-up operation on an oil spill increases the Gross Domestic Product, which is how the 'health' of an economy is measured.

If terrorism was the next big issue, why did they vote in a bunch of psychopaths who have made every American increasingly unsafe by enraging an already unhinged minority of the generally reasonable pro-Palestinian lobby worldwide?

If Iraq was also a big issue, then I have practically nothing more to say.

America, like Australia, needs a massive upheaval. If it means taking it to the streets because of the corrupt media, then so be it.

I'm old enough to know about Yippie, young enough to still be a proud Yippie. The Western world needs some Yip real bad. I hope those who are too young to remember will google Yippies and spend a productive afternoon on their computers, and think "strategy and tactics". Don't worry if it's uncool: it works, that's the main thing. Certainly adjustments must be made for the new era we live in, but there is a wealth of praxis to study and replicate in modern vernacular. People of this frame of mind helped end the war in Vietnam. However, the Democrat and Republican parties massacred 3 million unnecessarily before we succeeded, before Shrub's predecessors backed down, so activists have got to be in for the long haul.

They say a country gets the government it deserves. I'm fond of Americans, and thought that they deserved a bit better than this.


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