Sunday, October 03, 2004

Bush spins the disaster

Presidential's going to be funny to see how the Republicans spin this disaster!

Let me offer a balancing point of view to counter all these Republican talking heads!!!!

Looking at the major newspapers in America: When asked who won the debate, it wasn't even close. The highest number I saw was 90% Kerry, and the lowest was 43% Kerry. Bush got whacked. Only blind Republicans out of touch with reality felt it was a draw. What a dishonest joke!!

After watching the entire debate, I came away with two emotions. I felt embarrassed that Bush is my President. He was inarticulate, poor body language, too much facial contortions, sounded unprepared with too many pregnant pauses like he was searching for the right Republician talking points, had this blank, deer in the headlights look at times, overly repetitive like a one trick pony replaying the same rehearsed sound bites, and most importantly, had no answers for some pretty important issues. ie: Not finishing the job and losing Bin Laden in Tora Bora. Trying to imply a nexus between Iraq and 9/11, which Kerry quickly rejected and corrected Bush as it wasn't Saddam who attacked us on 9/11, but Bin Laden and Al Qaeda, which Bush had to sheepishly agree and acknowledge. To me, that was the defining moment of the entire debate.

The second emotion I felt was pity, pity for Bush, cause this was not a debate, but a Presidential Slaughter. He was so out of his league that it was no longer funny. Without Rove, without his minions, without the talking heads, without his surrogates to do the talking for him, Bush came across like a country bumpkin when he had to speak for himself. This was truly sad because his poor showing wasn't only in front of an American audience, but in front of major world media. [Emphasis mine. -J-9]



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