Oil chief raises greenhouse fears
"The new chairman of Shell, Lord Ron Oxburgh, says he sees very little hope for the world unless carbon dioxide emissions are dealt with.
"He told the Guardian newspaper the consequences resulting from the current level of emissions cannot be predicted and are 'probably not good' ..."
Source: ABC Oz News
"Friends of the Earth's director Tony Juniper said:
"'We are pleased that Shell appears to realise the serious threat posed by global climate change. But its core business is the production of fossil fuels – the major cause of the problem. Last year it claimed to have produced more oil and gas than ever before. If Lord Roxburgh really wants to tackle climate change, Shell must stop investing in new oil projects, such as in Sakhalin, Russia, stop the insane practice o9f gas-flaring and switch to alternative, renewable sources of power instead. Until it gets out of fossil fuels, Shell will continue to be a major part of the problem.'
"Mr Oxburgh called for a mass programme of carbon sequestration, where carbon would be captured and stored underground.
"Tony Juniper continued:
"'Technical fixes such as sequestration may have a role to play but are likely to prove more expensive and less effective than simple measures to reduce emissions such as more fuel efficient vehicles and renewable sources of energy. Shell must realise that we need to tackle the core of the problem. There's no point in bailing out the basement while there's holes in the roof.'
"The latest Shell Report says that its emissions of greenhouse gases rose by 6 per cent in 2003."
Source: FoE
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