Saturday, May 08, 2004

*Ø* Blogmanac | Red Cross warned of Iraq prison abuses in 2003

"The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) officially confirmed that it had warned not just the US troops in charge of Abu Ghraib Prison, but the British contingent in Basra too about prisoner abuse.

"An ICRC spokesman in Geneva said he wanted to make absolutely clear that the mistreatment of prisoners was not limited to the acts of a few individuals, but was instead a systematic pattern that has been going on for a long time.

"The Red Cross said it first expressed concerns about Abu Ghraib prison in March of 2003."

"The ICRC’s findings prompted it to make repeated requests to the coalition authorities that they take corrective action."
Source: ICRC (Red Cross)

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Amnesty International demands US 'war crimes' enquiry (and so do I)

May 8 – World Red Cross Red Crescent Day
It's the birthday of Henry Dunant, born in Geneva in 1828, recipient of the first Nobel Peace Prize. But the anniversary took an unexpected course before being adopted by the Movement ...
Source: ICRC


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