Sunday, May 02, 2004

*Ø* Blogmanac | Progressives Converge

FOR WHAT IT'S WORTH -- Actions to Take to Make a Difference

Greetings all,

Very exciting things afoot! Here’s a new article I wrote that sets the context for what I think is coming, a movement to converge in a way that leads to much more fundamental changes than simply removing Bush (which I think is an important component but not enough). I especially encourage you to register on WeConverge to prepare for an exciting campaign to be launched on Monday. More to be revealed soon...


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Progressives Converge
by Stephen Dinan

The radical right learned the lesson that solidarity translates into real political power. This election season, progressives are faced with a similar challenge. If we remain splintered, we will have little impact. Unified, we become a powerful force.

Right now, many progressives feel disappointed. The candidates who carried the progressive torch have fallen away, except Dennis Kucinich, who soldiers on, and Ralph Nader, who inspires fierce critiques as a spoiler. Most progressives are a bit unsure where to situate themselves on this terrain since current enthusiasm for John Kerry is lukewarm at best. One option is to turn to outrage at George Bush and bond around that. However, anger has limited value in the long haul of an election. Those already outraged will bond with our anger. People on the fence tend to be turned off. Those who actually like Bush turn away altogether. While the anger might keep us motivated for a time, it tends to fester.

So I believe that the central task for progressives this year is to figure out a positive way to come together into a powerful enough block to exert pressure in a way that delivers maximum progressive change while sending Bush back to the ranch.



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