Wednesday, May 19, 2004

*Ø* Blogmanac | Nicholas Berg execution video faked?

It's a trailer trash kind of thing

Whooshing round the Net this week at this site and others is some conspiracy stuff about the death of Nicholas Berg.

Of course, there is always conspiracy stuff whenever any unusual death happens in Media World. (In the 1960s when Australian Prime Minister Harold "All the way with LBJ" Holt disappeared off Cheviot Beach, persistent rumours started that he had been taken by a Chinese submarine. No doubt the SS JFK Elvis McCartney.)

The "Nicholas Berg was faked" case rests on the chair, m'lord. Plus a US military-capped head that supposedly wanders into the video by mistake. It does look that way to me, more or less, I admit. Hmmmm ...

Another conspiracy point? "Terrorists definitely wouldn't clothe their captive in a US orange prison jump suit like those worn at Guantanamo", we're told. This is the biggest crock since Ronald Reagan's chamber pot ... of course they bloody would. That was the point, to protest American torture of Muslim prisoners, so they dressed Berg in Gitmo chic. It was excellent situationist theatre. Despite my absolute horror at the execution of Mr Berg, I took the point. Didn't everyone? Apparently not these budding Oliver Stones on the Net.

All I can say is that the floor and walls a la Berg do look similar to those a la Abu Ghraib prison/Lynndie England, and the chairs do seem the same .... but, those white chairs are as common as muck. I held one in my hands less than ten days ago. There's a green one not 5 metres from where I'm sitting right now. Anyone with a drop of K-Mart in their veins has sat on one of them there chairs many times. Maybe, after all, murderin' Moos-lim terrorists are trailer-trash K-Mart sort of people, just like Lynndie, the whole US Army provisions department ... and me.

More to chew on


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