Saturday, March 06, 2004

*Ø* Blogmanac | Bush's Watergate?

[The Bush administration has been trying to hide the truth of many matters behind closed doors, delay tactics, holey stories and, of course, bald-faced lies. Americans have grown up over the past three years. We know the Santa Claus story and all about the Tooth Fairy. We want the facts about 9/11. Yes! We CAN handle the truth! We MUST have the truth! We know there's something happening and we must know what it is -- before it's too late. November 4th is too late! Thank you, Stephen, for bringing this, maybe the first, but hopefully not the last, of the mainstream research of this all-important subject to the fore. -v]

From Stephen Dinan,

Greetings all,

I have been paying attention for some time to the movement of people who are convinced that the official 9-11 story is not the real one. An impressive amount of evidence has accumulated, with books, conferences, videos, and websites pointing to established facts that are very hard to reconcile with the official story. However, I have been waiting on publicizing any of this work widely until it felt right. That time is now.

The reason is the publication of a new book: The New Pearl Harbor: Was the Bush Administration Complicit in 9/11? It has been written by David Ray Griffin, one of the most established and respected philosophers of our day, with something like 20 books to his credit. He is a grounded, sober, and very established academic who has little to gain from a book like this and a lot to lose. I have met him and respect his work. He’s not a fringe guy fed up with the system who simply wants to undermine it. He’s a man who has devoted his life to studying and explicating the truth, mainly in the realm of philosophy and theology and he’s never done a book anything like this. Here’s his website at Claremont. While I have not read the book yet, I have ordered three copies and people whose opinions I trust and who saw advance copies say that it is a breakthrough. It does not conclude exactly what level of deception has occurred but merely illuminates just how many holes, problems, and likely illusions there are in the official story, pointing towards the necessity of a much deeper investigation.

As you may know, the 9/11 Commission will hold two days of public testimony from top people in the Bush administration at the end of this month, according to the Associated Press. Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and CIA Director George Tenet will testify publicly in a federal commission inquiry into the Sept. 11 attacks. This will be the last official opportunity to grill them. It is thus imperative to activate a much deeper level of inquiry and activism around this information quickly.

I think this book and the 9-11 material in general will play a key role in electoral politics this year, seriously undermining Bush’s credibility, especially since he’s working to capitalize on 9-11 to win votes. The implications of this investigation are more than worrisome. What I strongly encourage people to do is read the reviews I have pasted below, order the book directly from the publisher so you can get it quickly (Amazon won’t have it in stock for a week or two), and start campaigns to the press and members of congress to bring up the questions that must be asked.

Personally, I think this is Bush’s Watergate, the scandal that can undermine his power in a way that even a $150M war chest cannot fix. It is thus vital that this investigative work is advanced and contemplated by anyone interested in removing him from power next year. I ask that you simply keep an open mind and investigate the evidence that Griffin has assembled here, making up your own mind.


Order "The New Pearl Harbor" here

Reviews of the book


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