Sunday, February 08, 2004

*Ø* Blogmanac | So it comes to THIS?!

Launches B.Y.O.B., Bring Your Own “paper” Ballot, Campaign for “Election” 2004

CLG Founder and Honorary Chair, Michael D. Rectenwald, announced the CLG's inauguration of the B.Y.O.B., Bring Your Own “paper” Ballot, campaign. The group calls for voters in the 2004 presidential contest to print, fill-out, and notarize their own copy of the CLG paper ballot receipt, as a safeguard against the known flaws and vulnerabilities of touch-screen voting and the recent history of discarding votes and overthrowing election results.

With the ruling against paper voting trails in touch-and-go touch-screen states like Florida, the coming national Presidential “election” for 2004 is in jeopardy. Touch-screen voting is notorious for the many flaws and software insecurities. Furthermore, as the Cleveland Plain Dealer reported, Wally O’Dell, the CEO of Diebold, one of the leading suppliers of touch-screen voting machines, has pledged his support of G.W. Bush, held fund-raisers, and contributed greatly to his re-selection campaign.

Since America cannot afford a repeat of coup 2000, the CLG is designing a paper ballot receipt, and calling for all voters, of whatever political persuasion, to print and bring their own paper ballot receipts with them to the polls, and to retain them for verification purposes.

The CLG has begun the design of such a paper ballot receipt and will have it ready when the Democratic nominee and other candidates are in place. “It’s a sad statement for American electoral politics that we have to ask citizens to bring their own ballots to verify their votes, but given the abysmal history of this nation in discarding the democratic elections process, we feel such an action is in order,” said Lori Price, CLG General Manager.

The CLG is an admittedly anti-Bush group: "The Bush coup has eventuated a continuous onslaught of anti-democratic, anti-worker, anti-women, anti-majority, anti-environmental, anti-other-than-Big Business policies that have gravely eroded our personal rights, handed the nation's treasury over to Bush-friendly looters, ruined our economy, run up deficits, turned the US into imperialist conquistadors in Afghanistan and Iraq, rejected the world criminal court and the Kyoto protocol, and gravely injured our moral and political standing in the court of world opinion,” said Rectenwald.

“But our main objective is a fair and legitimate election of a legitimate President.”



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