Tuesday, January 27, 2004

*Ø* Blogmanac | Nothing but the truth

January 26, The Guardian

"Nearly 12 months on, the Iraq war continues to cast its shadow over everything about Tony Blair's premiership. At the start of this momentous week in British politics, it remains the determining event of this government. It is also an open wound in the body of the Labour cause.

"Depending on what Lord Hutton says on Wednesday, this fateful conflict could shortly claim the political scalps of a defence secretary, and even conceivably a prime minister, to go with the two other senior cabinet ministers, Robin Cook and Clare Short, who have been its victims already.

"Cabinet divisions did not end when those two resigned last year; a new biography of Mr Blair by Philip Stephens suggests that the foreign secretary, Jack Straw, was a reluctant warrior himself. Nor is the effect confined to events, like Hutton, that are themselves directly linked to Iraq.

"If enough Labour MPs vote with the opposition parties to overturn the higher education bill tomorrow evening -- which we again strongly urge them not to do -- they will do so in part because they lost their patience with Mr Blair over his determination to go to war alongside the United States last year. Iraq, in short, remains unfinished and live business."

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