Thursday, December 18, 2003

*Ø* Blogmanac | Me back, me beard

That was a close shave
It seems like I've been gone for weeks and I have to relearn how to use the computer. Over the past few days I've been moving house, and then there was a couple of days waiting for the telephone company to bloody well show up. And in between, a day in which I thought my modem had packed it in, but it was just a faulty plug.

But I'm back by the skin of my face. Terribly disorganised, but I've opened and even unpacked lots of boxes. I've found a few basics, like Esmeralda, my computer, and one Bic razor. I'd like to say that after four days without shaving I had a beard like Saddam Hussein, but that would be a lie. Jeezuz, that guy can grow a beard. All that hair in nine months? I know a lot of people will be sad if he gets shot before they extract some of his hormones for research.

I'm way behind in my work, and also pretty tired from moving to beautiful downtown Repton, NSW, Australia. Lots of stuff to carry in heat and humidity. Please bear with me for a couple of days while I try to catch up. Thanks, folks. And thank you, Blogmanac team members, for holding the fort so well during my wanderings.


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