Tuesday, December 23, 2003

*Ø* Blogmanac | Little Johnny's little policies wreak havoc

Howard's Failed Health Policies Increase HIV- AIDS

"After World AIDS Day on December 1st unfortunately all Australia has to report is that the Howard regime's lack of understanding of the issues, and economic bungling, have lead to increasing levels of HIV-AIDS and hepatitis C.

"This outcome has been achieved by an ideological destruction of the successful Harm Minimisation Strategies being replaced with the failing Zero Tolerance debacle as part of the Howard Regime's War on Drugs.

"Now Australia is reaping a harvest of increased disease from the destructive misplacement of funds towards law enforcement, at the expense of medical help for syringe using drug addicts, and a lack of community awareness of HIV-AIDS.

"It is years since the Federal Government has run a campaign fighting the threat of AIDS to the Australian population and Commercial Television is sidelined with shows about how to increase a tear-away housing price bubble by buying more real estate at inflated prices.

"Time is well and truly up for a concerted attempt by the Howard Regime to take off its blinkers and see the destruction that its failing health policies are perpetrating on this country.

"It would appear that the good reputation Australia once had in reducing HIV-AIDS has been squandered by the Howard Regime and it is about time that it got its act together on this issue."
Source: Sydney Inymedia


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