Friday, October 17, 2003

*Ø* Blogmanac | What are they feeding us?

Life's a Roundup
By William Bowles

I’m not a particular fan of Armageddon for obvious reasons, well obvious to me anyway. I’m pretty much an optimist believing in R Buckminster Fuller’s dictum that as long as we’re around as a species, then we must be considered a success as a species. However…

It would appear that the lure of filthy lucre overwhelms our sense of self-preservation, at least amongst those of our species (mostly male and mostly white) who have the power and the resources to bring the entire process to a screeching halt in spite of my protests.

There’s no doubting that the accumulation of wealth (and the power that inevitably goes with it) has all the hallmarks of a disease, or a fetish as K Marx described it. And as anyone with a fetish knows, money and power is powerful stuff, an addiction as strong as crack cocaine, perhaps even stronger because not only is it socially accepted, it has all the appearance of being a ‘natural’ state of affairs, over which we have no control.

Which brings me right back to addiction, but are we being asked to accept the idea that ‘human nature’ is a kind of addiction too? If so, with the kinds of power we now have over nature, the game is surely up. This would appear to be the state of affairs we are being asked to accept when it comes to genetically modified life.



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