Monday, October 27, 2003

*Ø* Blogmanac October 27, 1206 | Thurkill’s strange journey

We know from the medieval chronicle by Roger of Wendover, that on Friday, October 27, 1206 the English peasant Thurkill was digging ditches to drain his Essex farm when a stranger, who identified himself as Saint Julian, came up to him and said he would take Thurkill on a journey. Thurkill lay down, going into a coma. His family awakened him on the Sunday by pouring water down his throat. He was indignant because he had been about to enter Heaven. On Monday night, Julian returned, angry that the farmer had not told the full story to his family. On the following feast days, All Saints’ and All Souls’ Day, Nov 1 and 2, Thurkill described his vision to the assembled community in church. To this day, Thurkill’s field floods at the end of October. Or, so it is said.



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