Tuesday, September 16, 2003

*Ø* Blogmanac September 16 | Fête of Cornely (Cornelius), at Carnac, Brittany, France

Cornely is patron saint of horned animals, no doubt because of the similarity of the saint’s name with the Latin word for ‘horn’, but also a remnant of pre-Christian worship of the horned god, who to the Celts was the similarly named Cernunnos (the Stag Lord, pictured). Even the name of the town gives away the pagan origins.

Elsewhere in the Catholic Church, today commemorates the feast day of St Cornelius, patron against earache, cattle, domestic animals, earache, epilepsy, epileptics, fever and twitching. Cornelius, the 21st pope, is represented in art as a pope holding a battle horn or cow's horn; pope with a cow nearby. St Cornelius is often pictured with a broken cup because some tried to poison him and as he reached to drink from the cup, it shattered.

At midnight, the oxen are blessed in a shrine dedicated to the saint, and all kinds of horned animals are processed around and within the church.

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Pagan Pride Day?
The Fellowship of Earth, Moon and Sky gives September 16 as Pagan Pride Day. Pagans would have more to be proud of if they synchronised the day for Pagan Pride. The Pagan Pride website gives the time as the weekend closest to Autumn Equinox, which would make it next weekend as the Equinox this year is September 23. However, a cursory google will reveal that organizations worldwide shows wide discrepancies.


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