Sunday, August 31, 2003

*Ø* Blogmanac August 31 | Celebrating today

Eyo masquerade, Lagos, Nigeria
“In the Nigerian capitol of Lagos, masqueraders called Eyos wander the streets concealed in white robes, carrying long sticks. Each represents an individual family and symbolizes authority. A person crossing the path of an Eyo must remove his hat and shoes as a sign of respect. An offended Eyo will attack with its stick.” Source

Hekate, or Hecate
“The last day of each month is sacred to the Goddess Hekate. In ancient times, worshippers would leave a ‘Hecate's Supper’ with specially prepared foods as offerings to Hecate. The offerings were also gifts to appease the restless ghosts, called apotropaioi by the Greeks. These offerings are best prepared for the goddess on the eve of the new moon, to be left behind at crossroads at night, without looking back.” Source


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