Tuesday, July 01, 2003

* Blogmanac | Downing St, BBC row continues
Just as Australia's taxpayer-funded national broadcaster, the ABC, is under attack for its fair reporting of the Iraq invasion, so the BBC is copping flak from ultra-con pollies in the UK.

Thank God for the ABC and BBC, which were scarcely wild-eyed radicals during the illegal invasion, but at least they presented differing views and provided some sort of sanity in the multi-million dollar propaganda war waged by Shrub & Co and their giant network of transnational PR corporations.

"A row between senior figures in the British Government and the BBC shows no sign of abating.

"MPs are split over Prime Minister Tony Blair's communications director Alastair Campbell's attack on the BBC for what he says were acusations the government sent back intelligence dossiers or Iraq, demanding they be "sexed up" to support the US-led war."

Read the story

Meanwhile, what's going on in the USA regarding investigations into the Bush Administration's nearly two years of blatant lies? Buzzflash's Maureen Farrell gives a good update today:

"The Attack Has Been Spectacular
Regardless how anyone frames it, the White House duped us. From 'they hate us for our freedoms' to 'solid evidence' of Al-Qaeda/Iraq connections, the Administration skirted some issues and manipulated information on others. In short, Bush Inc. lied and pressured others to do the same. The game plan succeeded, however, as polls repeatedly indicated that more than half of all U.S. citizens were consistently conned into believing Iraq was an immediate threat and that Saddam was involved in the Sept. 11 attacks. Meanwhile, millions of well-intentioned souls, unaware of how deeply Bush cronies are lining their war-profiteering pockets, still trust promises of Iraq's "liberation" -- even if hourly ambushes on US soldiers suggest Iraqis aren't exactly dancing in the streets." Read on


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