Friday, July 11, 2003

*Ø* Blogmanac | DIO knew of Iraq doubts

"The Australian Defence Intelligence Organisation (DIO) admits it knew of doubts about intelligence reports concerning Iraq's nuclear weapons program.

"The DIO is the third government organisation to admit it knew claims that Iraq was trying to source weapons-grade uranium from Africa were possibly false before Prime Minister John Howard mentioned the allegations in a speech to Parliament ..."
Source (links to more items concerning the Australian government's lies)

* Ø * Ø * Ø *

Pentagon says Lynch not shot .... durrr
"A US military draft report into the rescue of Private Jessica Lynch in Iraq has confirmed the young American soldier was neither shot nor stabbed during her capture.

"Nineteen-year-old Jessica Lynch ... was hailed a hero after her rescue, with reports she had fought back even though she had suffered broken arms, a broken leg and multiple gunshot wounds.

"The Pentagon did not confirm the information but did not dispel it." Source

Way back on May 18, we at the Blogmanac blogged this story and this one on how they pitched the Private Ryan ... err ... Lynch ... bullshit. The Pentagon sure is quick to start invading and slow to stop evading. Don't they read the Blogmanac?


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