Friday, June 20, 2003

*Ø* Blogmanac | Why is the news all bullshit these days?

We all know modern journalism is pathetic. Not only do the journalists not know a criterion from criteria, drank from drunk or a clause from a participle, what they're reporting is mostly effete crap. Most intelligent people know it, and figures show that educated consumers are leaving traditional media in droves.

The question is, why are the news and current affairs stories so insipid, so conservative and so untrustworthy?

Phillip Knightley has been an investigative journalist for much of his 60 years of pushing a pen. In fact, he is the doyen of investigative journalists. If you read or listen to only one item of media analysis this year, tune into Knightley's online speech (transcript online as well), Reflections of a Warhorse. His fast-paced catalog explains some of the pressures faced by today's journalists, including corporate power, government coercion and stupid defamation laws. I strongly recommend this speech given earlier this year by a highly respected member of the fourth estate. It will not only give perspective to that nagging feeling that investigative reporting seems to have declined in recent years, it will help you shield yourself from the current state of affairs, and the current affairs of the State.

Read and/or listen to Phillip Knightley: Reflections of a Warhorse


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