Friday, June 06, 2003

*Ø* Blogmanac | USA uses torture to bolster own regime

Dubya's Sesame Street themes and Rummy's favourite death metal used to break stinkin towelhead Mooslims

The authoritative and prestigious BBC News reports that American PsyOps (Psychological Operations -- read disinfo, torture and brainwashing) are using heavy metal music as one of their sleep deprivation techniques to break the minds and wills of prisoners at Guantanamo Bay.

We can add this atrocity to a list of barbaric practices now being sanctioned by the non-elected Bush cabal in Washington: the sequestering of captives in 6 feet by 8 feet concrete cells under non-stop electric light for more than a year; refusal of charges or access to lawyers and Red Cross, and strong rumours of physical torture.

"This is an issue that seriously concerns us. If there is a prolonged period of sleep deprivation, it could well be considered torture"

Amnesty International spokesperson

The Psychological Operations Veterans Association tells this and similar stories. There, former US PsyOps agents with no political agenda talk openly about the kinds of propaganda and "mindbending" (their word) operations their craft employs. A similar UK website is interesting as well -- check out the hokey leaflets dropped over Afghanistan. (That brings to mind George W Bush's leaflet dropped over Iraq, as reported exclusively in Wilson's Almanac at the time of the illegal invasion.)


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